Coding and Website Projects

Here are the projects that I coded and/or maintained.

Artline Group

Art Wholesaler Company for Boutique Hotels, which supplies artworks and mirrors nationwide.


A Data Mining Company which specializes in analyzing data and constructing results from the data.


The Foundation for Nutrition and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in Children.

Practice Websites Developed:

Powered by Free version of Heroku (Load Times vary)

Dylo Architecture Group

A Rails App with Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, and made with a group of developers for a fake project.

Web Comic - Within Shadow

At the moment, compatible with Desktop/Laptop Screens...

With any other screens, it might not display correctly...

A Rails App with Illustrated Elements, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and made for as final project.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design Projects from various companies I've worked for.

Front End Web

Web Design Projects from companies I've worked with.

Projects Worked On

Spare Time, Freelance, and Other Projects I've worked on.

About Me

The News and Happenings in my career can be found here.

Tristan Multimedia Service

Tristan Villanueva

US: 1-516-457-0257

